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U.S., 1981
Directed by Ivan Passer
Based on the novel by Newton Thornburg
With Jeff Bridges, John Heard, Lisa Eichhorn
Approx. 109 mins. 35mm.

“CUTTER'S WAY opens with a girl's corpse dumped in a trashcan in a rainswept Santa Barbara back alley, witnessed by broke, thirtysomething country-club gigolo Richard Bone. Bone doesn't know for sure what he saw, but his one-eyed, one-legged, one-armed Vietnam-veteran high-school buddy Alex Cutter, riven by unquenchable rage over his injuries and determined to make somebody — anybody — pay, decides the killer must be local oil potentate JJ Cord (Stephen Elliott).” – John Patterson, The Guardian


“The film moves with an easy uncoerced swing: moment by moment, scene by scene, we are unsure what to think or where we are going. It is a fascinating, organically grown drama.”
 – Peter Bradshaw, The Guardian

“[Heard] is one of America's great lost actors.”
 – Antonia Quirke, The Financial Times

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