Support Film Forum
Founded in 1970, Film Forum is New York City’s leading nonprofit cinema for the exhibition of independent and repertory films. Contributions and memberships continue to be a critical part of our operating budget. Many thanks for considering a gift. Your generosity makes all we do possible.
Individual Giving
Gifts of any amount help Film Forum continue to take risks with innovative and challenging programming. More info.
Become a Film Forum member and contribute to our nonprofit cinema while enjoying great benefits and discounts! More info.
Matching Gifts
Your support of our nonprofit cinema can have even greater impact through a matching gift from your employer. More info.
Legacy Giving
Join other visionary supporters in our Legacy Circle and help keep FF programming on screen, year after year. More info.
Corporate Giving
A corporate gift or partnership signals your commitment to vibrant arts experiences for diverse NYC audiences. For more information and to discuss a mutually beneficial partnership, please contact Mary Ellen Obias, Director of Development, at (212) 627-2035 x225 or
Documentary Fund
Film Forum’s Documentary Fund supports our presentation of the best in independent documentaries. Note: This is NOT a grant-making fund. More info.
Endowment Fund
Help ensure Film Forum’s continued success for years to come by creating an endowed fund. More info.
Fiscal Sponsorship
Fiscal sponsorship allows filmmakers to solicit and receive tax deductible in support of a specific project, without having to create a 501 (c) (3) non-profit corporation. NB: Film Forum does not provide funding to filmmakers. More info.
Donate to a fiscally sponsored film.