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U.S., 1980
Directed by Brian De Palma
With Angie Dickinson, Michael Caine, Nancy Allen

Approx. 105 mins. DCP.

Dis- and un- satisfied housewife Angie Dickinson has violent fantasies in the shower, must deal with a super nerdy son, gets turned down even by shrink Michael Caine, but during a tour-de-force 9-minute dialogue-less scene in a museum, hooks up with a stranger... and then the head-snapping twists start coming.


“ONE OF THE MOST SHEERLY ENJOYABLE FILMS, this sophisticated horror comedy is permeated with the distilled essence of impure thoughts. De Palma presents extreme fantasies and pulls the audience into them with such an apparent ease that the pleasure of the suspense becomes aphrodisiacal.”
– Pauline Kael

“An audacious blend of black humor, blood-red violence and pure cinematic skill.”
– Peter Sobczynski, Balder and Dash

“DRESSED TO KILL is the quintessential New York erotic horror-comedy of the grindhouse heyday; the film’s luxurious, almost eerily plastique elegance just barely disguises its unapologetic presentation of fetish iconography.”
– Eric Henderson, Slant Magazine

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