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  • A woman with a young child sitting in her lap looks upset.
  • A man sits on a bench, smiling as he talks on a cell phone.
  • A mom and dad ready their two children to go out.
  • A couple sits next to each other along a balcony, the man smokes.
  • A dad walks between his two children; his daughter is riding a bike and his son walks alongside him.



Tuesday, November 26

*Director Constantin Popescu in person

(2017, Constantin Popescu) Every parent’s harrowing nightmare — a couple’s daughter goes missing. Popescu’s breakthrough film. DCP. Approx. 152 min.


“Muscular hard-art fare that… could propel Popescu into the upper ranks of his country’s auteurs... Popescu makes a disquieting virtue of the ultra-wide frame throughout, particularly as Tudor grows more isolated within it: Each time he returns to the park, as becomes obsessive habit, his daughter’s potential avenues of disappearance stretch out more tauntingly in every direction; later, when stray snapshots from the scene are combed for any conceivable clues, the camera lens’s redefinition of space briefly calls Antonioni’s Blow-Up to mind. Popescu has a knack for staggering multiple lines of tension and conversation in a scene, fleetingly tuning into an assortment of unexplained fringe exchanges and human tableaux: an escalating, absurd altercation between an elderly woman and a dog-walker in the park, for example, or an unidentified woman’s passing grimace of anguish in a police station corridor.”
– Guy Lodge, Variety

Film Forum