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  • One woman rests her hand on her hand on a table; the woman next to her looks at her with concern and holds a cigarette.
  • A man and woman stand next to each other, looking serious.
  • A woman behind a counter pours a beverage for a man; he looks at her while she looks at something off-camera. Another woman sits by him at the counter, also looking at something off-camera.
  • A woman sitting at a table looks down; another woman leans on the table and looks at her.
  • Close-up on the faces of two women.


2:15   6:00

Friday, November 1

洲崎パラダイス 赤信号 (Suzaki Paradaisu: Akashingô)

Director Yûzô Kawashima
Cast Michiyo Aratama, Yukkiko Todoroki, Seizaburô Kawazu, Tatsuya Mihashi
Screenplay Toshirô Ide, Yoshiko Shibaki, Nobuyoshi Terada | Cinematography Kuratarô Takamura
1956 | Japan | DCP | approx. 81 min. | In Japanese with English subtitles

Down to their last cigarettes, Tatsuya Mihashi (the weasel in High and Low) and Michiyo Aratama (Sword of Doom) get off the bus to become a waitress and a noodle deliverer on the pleasure island, but things speedily get complicated, in an ironic/tragicomic slice of the lower side of life from Kawashima (Sun in the Last Days of the Shogunate).


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