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U.S., 1967
Directed by Mel Brooks
With Zero Mostel, Gene Wilder, Dick Shawn, Lee Meredith, Kenneth Mars
Approx. 88 min. DCP.

“Brooks' first feature, an absolutely hilarious and tasteless New York Jewish comedy about Broadway. Mostel plays a producer determined to clean up by staging the worst flop in history, first making sure that it's over-backed by all of the rich widows hot for him. Mostel and Wilder (as his bumbling Portnovian accountant) ham outrageously, and some of the humor falls flat. But the all-time flop itself could serve as a definition of kitsch, its centerpiece being the number 'Springtime for Hitler', all tits, pretzels and beer steins, in the best tradition of gaudy American burlesque.” – Time Out

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