Thank you for being a “card-carrying member” of Film Forum. Your support means a great deal to us. However, over the years, it’s become apparent that cards get shared among friends and family. Given that our membership affords a generous discount, we have established (in effect as of March 6) a new policy for purchasing member-discount tickets at the box office.
• Along with your active FF membership card, a valid ID will be required by the box office.
• If you do not have a card with you, but present a valid ID that matches your record in our system, we will honor the discount.
• If two people in the same household use a blue card (level $125 and above), both names need to be in our database. If the second name does not already appear on your membership card, please email or call 1-646-829-3967 (10-5, Mon-Fri) with the second name. NOTE: this second name ensures both household members can use the same blue card when purchasing tickets. In addition, as always, either household member may purchase their own ticket and one guest ticket (2 tickets total per screening) at member discount price — the guest’s name is not required.
We appreciate your understanding and kind cooperation.