NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD introduced by screenwriter John Russo
Saturday, October 14
NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD co-screenwriter John Russo will introduce the Saturday 1:00 screening.
John Russo began by co-authoring the screenplay for the horror classic, Night of the Living Dead, and went on to create or co-create many international hits including Return of the Living Dead, Midnight, The Majorettes, and The Awakening. His three books on the art and craft of movie making have become bibles of independent production, and one of them, Scare Tactics, won a national award for Superior Nonfiction. His screenplay for Escape of the Living Dead was made into a five-part comic book released by Avatar to great acclaim; it made the Top Ten of Horror Comics nationally and spawned two graphic novels and ten sequels. Russo's latest zombie novel is The Hungry Dead, published by Kensington Books. He is also slated to direct two movies: a remake of his cult hit, Midnight, and a brand new take on the "zombie phenomenon" entitled Spawn of the Dead.