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  • A man stands in front of a microphone; a woman looks at him intently.
  • A woman sits in between two men in the front seat of a car; one of the men is driving.


12:30   8:20*

Friday, March 6

*Introduced by Joan Harrison biographer Christina Lane

Director Alfred Hitchcock
Cast Joel McCrea, Laraine Day, Herbert Marshall
Screenplay Charles Bennett, Joan Harrison
Cinematography Rudolph Maté
1940 | USA | DCP | Approx. 120 min. | In English

Windmills turning against the wind, an assassination by camera amid a sea of rain-splashed umbrellas, a plane crash at sea, as newspaperman Joel McCrea tangles with a spy ring in pre-war London, with the unlikeliest of traitors. Co-written by Joan Harrison.

Film Forum